
El Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes CINE A LA CALLE "FICICA" fue creado en Barranquilla, Colombia hace 23 a帽os por 5 amigos estudiantes de comunicaci贸n social, cine, televisi贸n y artes. Hoy en d铆a sigue siendo el 煤nico festival de la regi贸n Caribe de su g茅nero y el m谩s antiguo en el pa铆s.

Consta de proyecciones gratuitas en parques, plazas y centros culturales en d贸nde re煤ne a ni帽os, ni帽as, j贸venes y familias entorno al s茅ptimo arte. Se ha realizado de manera ininterrumpida a lo largo de 22 a帽os gracias a alianzas con acad茅micos, ONGs, empresas p煤blicas y privadas, colegios y universidades, sin embargo durante el 2023 no ha sido posible conseguir los recursos para su ejecuci贸n y por eso necesitamos de tu ayuda y participaci贸n.

Aporta a nuestra VAKI y has parte de los amigos y amigas del FICICA 2023 para seguir haciendo historia.


The International Short Film Festival CINE A LA CALLE "FICICA" was created in Barranquilla, Colombia 23 years ago by 5 friends who were students of social communication, film, television and arts. Today is still the only festival of its kind in the Caribbean region and the oldest in the country.

It consists of free screenings in parks, squares and cultural centers where it brings together boys, girls, young people and families around the seventh art. It has been carried out uninterruptedly for 22 years thanks to alliances with academics, NGOs, public and private companies, schools and universities, however during 2023 it has not been possible to obtain the resources for its execution and that is why we need your help and participation.

Contribute to our VAKI and be part of the friends of FICICA 2023 to continue making history posible.


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