
Colombia has been governed by narco-paramilitaries for many years. Of which I can give serious evidence since August 28, 2002. Because on that date the former Attorney General Luis Camilo Osorio Isaza fired me and searched my house and that of my parents, to try to hide any evidence about the work order that He gave a prosecutor to investigate who were the dishonest officials who were working with the paramilitaries. Luis Camilo was the head of the paramilitary infiltration in the prosecutor's office, as confirmed by former DAS IT director Rafael Garcia.

Paramilitary infiltration also occurred in the army, police, DAS, INPEC, Supreme Court of Justice, and Congress.

21 years later, in 2023, the level of infiltration in State institutions is even worse than in 2002.

For this reason, when someone has information about a drug trafficker, the sources who want to denounce them do not feel the confidence to do so before the State, but instead resort to people who have publicly denounced the facts of interest to the source.

For this reason, the people who had Otoniel's memories with the coordinates sought me out so that I could expose this topic.

Likewise, people who have Otoniel's audios in MicroSD memories. The rescue of these audios is what I call #OperacionSpecial4 and that is the reason for this collection of money. In these audios we will be able to listen to Otoniel and his men speaking with the government of former President Ivan Duque and Alvaro Uribe Velez, with senior military commanders and businessmen.

That is why with his donations we will be able to deal a very hard blow to the narco power, just as we already did when we published Otoniel's secret coordinates.

Thank you very much for joining this project and you can do it anonymously.


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