From Colombia to the UK: Support Ana on her Science Adventure!
Hello everyone! I have the opportunity to continue my studies in the UK on a PhD programme in accelerator physics, but I need your help to make it possible as the moving costs and initial expenses are high. Thank you for your support and for believing in me!
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Foto de Ana G
Ana G
Vaki cerrada el Aug 24, 2023
69% alcanzado Meta: US$ 1,666.61
US$ 1,149
Aporte mínimo: US$ 1


Hello everyone!

My name is Ana and I'm passionate about accelerator physics. I have the opportunity to continue my studies in the United Kingdom in a doctoral program on particle accelerators, but I need your help to make it possible. I was admitted with a full fellowship but I need to cover some of the initial expenses of the visa and for moving abroad.

This is the (super cool) doctoral network:

Particle accelerators are fundamental tools in modern physics, with the ability to explore the unknown, expand the limits of our understanding of the universe, and have applications in fields as diverse as medicine and technology.

I'm excited about the possibility of studying in the UK and making my contribution to particle accelerator research. However, the costs of moving and initial expenses are high.

With your help, I'll be able to overcome these obstacles and dedicate myself to my passion: accelerator physics science and technology research. Every contribution, no matter how small, will make a difference on my path to success.

Thank you for your support and for believing in me!


Jul 7, 2023

Visa Aprobada ☼

Jun 25, 2023

Lista la aplicación de la visa, esperando la respuesta

El viernes 23 terminé de someter los documentos para la visa, esperando el resultado en un lapso de 3 semanas.

Jun 13, 2023

Firmado el contrato como ♦ Research Fellow ♦

Apr 27, 2023

Se ha recaudado un tercio de la meta!

Muy agradecida con todos los que han compartido y aportado! ☼


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Aporte anónimo Jul 21, 2023
Aporte anónimo Jun 26, 2023
Cristian Camilo Ospina Metaute Jun 17, 2023
Aporte anónimo Jun 16, 2023
Aporte anónimo Jun 15, 2023
Aporte anónimo Jun 15, 2023
Aporte anónimo Jun 14, 2023
Aporte anónimo Jun 14, 2023
Danitza Hernandez Ramirez Jun 14, 2023
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